Dental Bridges

What are Bridges?

Bridges are fixed dental prosthetics that are cemented onto the teeth. Removal of teeth due to severe tooth decay or trauma can be fixed by dental bridges which are used for replacing one or more missing teeth to correct a bad bite and improve a person’s speech. If gaps between the missing teeth are left untreated, the remaining teeth begin to shift into the gaps and cause an altered bite. In some cases, missing teeth can eventually lead to periodontal gum disease or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Similar to dental crowns, bridges are also cemented onto the existing natural teeth known as abutments and serve as anchors for the bridge. In order to fill the empty spaces between the abutment teeth, false teeth made of porcelain, known as pontics are created.

What types of Bridges are available?

Similar to crowns, Aliso Niguel Dental Group offers materials for dental bridges including; all- porcelain or all-ceramic, porcelain-fused-to-metal or all-metal fused with porcelain-fused-to-metal recommended to restore back teeth needed for chewing. Porcelain and ceramic bridges are applied to match the natural shade of color to the teeth.

What is the procedure for a Bridge?

Bridges are highly effective for achieving both an ideal smile while also restoring the functionality of the teeth. Our dentist prioritizes in utilizing effective tools to improve the overall appearances of the mouth, teeth and smile.

Before undergoing the procedure for a bridge, the existing tooth or teeth need to be reduced in size to allow room for the bridge to be placed accurately on the teeth with reduction of the teeth done by removing a small amount of enamel. To prepare an exact mold for the bridge, dental x-rays are taken and impressions of the teeth are made and sent to a dental lab with the specified dental material requested. If a porcelain bridge is used, the correct shade is determined to match the colour of the patient’s natural teeth. During this time, a temporary bridge will be placed to cover the prepared tooth or teeth in order to allow our patients to resume teeth functionality before permanent placement.

By practicing good oral hygiene bridges can last a lifetime. We help our patients in deciding the material best suited for their teeth based on the location, aesthetics considerations and treatment costs available ensuring that every patient has a chance to improve their smile.

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9:00 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



